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  • Triple Eight Vodka – 750ml


    Order Triple 8 Vodka Online

    Triple 8 Vodka is an ultra premium vodka produced on Nantucket Island. The vodka is triple distilled from the highest quality organically grown grain. It is then blended with our exceptionally clean and soft water drawn from well #888. Triple Eight outscored Ketel One in the World Spirit Championships, conducted by the Beverage Testing Institute.
  • Triple Eight Cranberry Vodka – 750ml


    Order Triple 8 Cranberry Vodka Online

    Created with organically grown cranberries from Nantucket’s own Windswept Organic Farm. Cranberry was a natural choice for this island distillery, as it has been cultivated on Nantucket since the mid 1800’s. Master distiller Dean Long hand-selects the best fruit the island has to offer and crafts an amazing cranberry vodka. Triple Eight Cranberry was the highest ranked cranberry vodka in the World Spirit Championship.
  • Triple Eight Blueberry Vodka – 750ml


    Order Triple 8 Blueberry Vodka Online

    Triple 8 Blueberry Vodka is made with wild low-bush blueberries from Maine, infused into our organic spirit. No other blueberry vodka in the world can match the true flavor, color and aroma that comes through in Triple Eight Blueberry vodka. Plain and simple, “real fruit, real people, really good!”